Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Why I Choose to Push Past My Limits

It's 7 a.m. my muscles ache as usual, I'm exhausted to the point I know I could sleep hours longer, my brain is foggy and I'm wobbly just stepping out of bed.  So why bother?  I have a perfectly good excuse, any doctor would back me up.  But that has never been me.  I'm stubborn, just ask my mom. Tell me I can't do something and I'm likely to make it a point to prove you wrong.

I discovered something even before being diagnosed with MS, I love the adrenaline rush from pushing my body.  I had never been strong before, I had no idea what being healthy was all about or how to even get started.  I barely survived pregnancy.  So when I was done having my girls and had time to focus on me, I began to see the big picture.  I started trying new things like road biking, jogging, teaching Pilates and fitness classes. I couldn't get enough. I had never envisioned myself as being a fit person,  I had suffered from years of depression and anxiety.  All I wanted to do was figure out a way to happy for myself and my family.   Now I had this amazing outlet and it was working.

Then the day comes when you are told you have a disease that will alter your life's path.  There is no cure, no way of knowing what the long term effects will be, accompanied by a long list of "what to avoid".  And let me tell you the list is long! After years of trying to find a balance of working out without over doing it, I starting to feel defeated by my disease. During one of my scheduled Neurology visits my nurse looked at me and said "Your expectations are too high, you want to feel better and we are just trying to maintain your health."  I was so mad, who are you to tell me I won't feel better!?  And that became my WHY for pushing past my limits.  I lift weights so my muscles will get stronger, I continue to be a fitness instructor so my coordination and mind are challenged,  I do things I'm afraid to do so I know I'm living life not just watching it.

My best two hours of my day, when I feel the most "normal" is when I'm working out, teaching a class, mowing the lawn, walking my dogs, but doing what I love.  No one is going to want to push themselves doing something they hate doing.

 Teaching fitness and training is the hardest thing I do but the most rewarding.  I push past the tired, the pain and fear because I'm not alone.  I'm one in many.  You all are the reasons I do what I do.  I hope to build up those that are discouraged, make the imperfect know they don't have to be and show those that don't where to begin, where the start line is. Remember...Limits are only limits if you don't reach past them.   

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