Saturday, February 11, 2017

Ugh, do I have to Run?

I'm a true believer that when it comes fitness you have to find what motivates you.  What do you love to do?  I started as a fitness instructor nine years ago.  At the time my passion was Pilates and still is but I quickly discovered other interests.   If you hate running, you will not be motivated to hop on a treadmill.   Don't get me wrong, I like running, for about three miles.  Then I start going over  my grocery list in my head and checking my gps map every three minutes.  Realizing Ive only gone 1/2 a mile and and I'm averaging a 13 min mile.  Most my friends call that walking.  Haha.  But get me on a bike and I'm in my zone!  I feel like I'm getting somewhere.  Now I'm averaging 18 mph and singing out loud to whatever Pandora is playing.  Plus if I was being chased by a bear I'd have better chance of getting away than my running skills.  (We've all seen that meme right?)

There is no wrong answer for the best workout, because its the workout that makes you feel like you want to keep going.  When I found High Fitness, I was at a crossroads.  I needed a change in my workout and in my teaching.  When one door closes, find another door.  High Fitness came into my life and BAM! I couldn't get enough.  That is what Passion feels like.

 You will find sometimes in your fitness journey that your exercise routine loses its sparkle.  That's ok, and normal.  Its a great time to explore your options.   One of the questions as a trainer I get asked a lot is "why am I stuck in a rut?" Weight loss is no longer happening, muscles aren't changing, endurance seems to be blah.  So I ask if they have changed up their fitness routine lately and the answer is 99% always NO.   If you take the same classes, follow the same routine and eat the same foods, you will plateau.   Time to switch it up and re-evaluate.   Decide is it classes you like, being outdoors, lifting weights?  etc.  All of those areas have plenty of options.  My goal this winter was to try to like it more, I hate being cold.   I bought my youngest a set of snowshoes so she could join me. It was a win win.  I get time with my daughter,  I added a new activity and I braved the snow.  Goal met.  

You will hear me say it over and over.  Focus on how your workout makes you feel, not what you look like.   You should feel energized, happy and accomplished.  That smile is what awesome looks like.

*Copyright High Fitness

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