Saturday, January 16, 2021

Fitness Class Gym Etiquette

A few years ago I started posting a gym etiquette list for group fitness members. While some things have stayed the same, there are a few that have changed over time.  I enlisted a few instructors to help me come up with a list. This should not only help those that are frequent class attendees but also for those who are new and may not even know there's class rules. You may even find yourself wanting to add to this list or start asking "what about rules for the instructor?!" For the most part fitness instructors follow guidelines for safety, fun and company rules.  I also love feedback, good or bad it's one of the best ways we can grow as instructor. However, this article is a help guide for you, some funny takes on fitness and my experience as an instructor, manager and class attendee myself.  It is not an article to point out everyone's flaws, name names or get offended.  I hope you find the humor, see the reasoning and ultimately have the best experience in a fitness class.   

These are not listed in any specific order and no we are not talking about anyone in particular,  you don't know them, don't ask me.  

If late... We understand life happens and getting to a class right on time is not always possible. If late, please go to the back or side of the room as to be less disruptive. This is not a rock concert you push your way through to the front to get the very best spot. Be mindful of the other members. Way back in the day it used to be "If you're going to come late, don't come at all." That is absolutely not the case anymore. Show up when you can, stay for the whole class or part of it-- just come!  For safety reasons we just want to make sure you are warmed up, your body is ready to move or cooled down enough that you can stop without risk or injury. We are just happy you came.  

Your spot is not reserved. Especially a format such as dance fitness with no equipment. I've seen fights break out over standing in someones spot, for real she got a bloody nose. There are new clients attending classes nearly every day in every class. These new members are certainly not going to know that the southwest corner in the front row is Suzie's spot. Make room. There's a reason it's called GROUP fitness and not SOLO fitness. We all want to feel welcomed. You come for the workout but come back for the connections. 

SMILE now and then. Standing in front of a room full of faces staring at you, waiting for you to deliver an amazing class, can be intimidating. We love it as instructors when you smile back at us and let us know you're having a good time. We don't want to wonder the rest of class if you think we are just crazy. I mean we are a little, but the fun kinda crazy. 

Take phone calls outside. Talking on your phone or scrolling through your social media in class is not only disruptive to the instructor, but the class as well. But if you must, please turn down the brightness on your phones in dark rooms like a spin class. Your bright screen is blinding the instructor, and ruining the movie... I mean the class.  

Follow the instructor's choreography. That's all, just follow it. Don't get me wrong, this is not about being new and just getting your feet wet. We accept 2 left feet, grapevines the other direction and turning in circles. Been there, it gets easier. Do your best, we are here to help.

This is about ignoring the instructor and doing your own thing. I've taught fitness over 13 years, can you imagine the choreo and formats stuffed in this brain of mine? There's is a high chance I don't get the choreo right 100% of the time or maybe another instructor teaches it a little different. Your instructor has 18,649 songs worth of choreography in their head, give us the 3% margin, we may be off.  

Just go with it, unless we've made eye contact with a desperate look of "crap what's next?" just smile and go along with it. You may even know different steps that you learned to the same song in an amazing country ballet hip hop class, again please for the love of all that's fitness, do the choreo your instructor is showing.  It can throw off the best of teachers or confuse the class all together if you are doing something different. We love it when you add your flare and level up the choreography we are teaching. It pumps up the class and builds an untouchable energy. That is the magic of group fitness.

The Chatty Kathy. Having a friend come to class with you is so much fun. We love it when you bring your friends, the more the merrier. Please keep the chit chat to minimum or visit outside.  It is tough to cue over loud conversations. Be aware of the class and space around you.  

If it's not a class that uses equipment, don't get it out. There's generally a very good reason the instructor doesn't have equipment out. Once one person starts to pull out the weights, others tend to want to follow. 

Please be respectful of classes in session. If you are not attending the group fitness class, it is not ok to go in the back of class and do your own workout. This includes stretching, lifting weights, your own dance class....  (it's happened) We would love it if you joined in though.  

Wipe off your equipment. I know, do I really have to go there? Yes I do. Please take the time to do your part. Yes gyms are going the extra mile to sanitize everything, but lets add an extra level of comfort and safety.  

Wait for the class before you to clearly be done before entering in. Give them a few minutes to clean up any equipment. Better yet, help put equipment away. Staring into the window will not speed the class up any faster. Maybe you could go join in for last few minutes.  But looking at your watch, nose to the glass and tapping your toes, just gives us all anxiety. I'm excited, too. Should class have issues getting out on time, quietly discuss it with the instructor or gym manager. 

NO groan and moan. The grunting and moaning during class has to stop.  I don't mean the occasional noisy exhale, I mean the "When Harry Met Sally" grunting, can't tell if it's "oh sooo good" or you have clearly met your limit on stretching or weights. Either way it's inappropriate for a class setting.  If people around you are uncomfortable with the noises you are making, then it's creating a toxic environment, and some people might not want to come back. We get it, you are working hard, we don't all need to experience it quite that way.  So I have given my class things they can say.  "wow, this is killer, how many more?" I also accept "woop woop!" Anything that builds class energy without making me feel like I just cheated on my spouse in group fitness.  

Be respectful to a sub.  It is not the best feeling as an instructor to have a student walk in the room, see that's it's you teaching and then do an U-turn to the closest exit. Are you there for a workout or not?  Would it be the worse idea to try a different instructor?  We are human, our feelings can get bruised, but also it's just mean. I don't refuse to teach when a not so favorite student walks in the room.  Oh crap Cindy showed up, that's it,  I'm done.  You're right that does sound ridiculous. I'm all for having our "favorite" teachers, but it's ok to try someone new. We rely on our subs who have taken the time to add a class to their probably already busy schedule so we can attend to personal matters.  I don't want to show up the next day and hear my class was totally rude to a sub and made her feel unwelcome and now doesn't ever want to sub for me again.  If you choose to not stay, please discreetly leave.  Chances are you just missed out on a great class and a new way to workout.  

Quick tips:

Wear deodorant, it may need to be reapplied especially if its an evening class.

Wear Appropriate attire-- this includes checking to see if your leggings are see-through. The difference between leggings and tights are if you can see your fingers when you run them through the inside. Try putting on star spangled underwear. If you can see your stars and stripes, they are tights. I may spend more money on my athletic apparel but it's worth not showing my "business."

Ask for options if needed. But do so before class. Pregnancy, injuries (old and new), fatigue, chronic illness are just a few reasons you may need modifications and we are trained to help. I personally love using my extra skills as a personal trainer to make each class fun for every level.  In class recently a sweet lady said "I'm sorry, I could only do half those moves"  Please know we are never looking for perfection. I love watching the progress of trying new things. Seeing students get stronger and more confident week after week, is why I do what I do. Doing your best is a level everyone can achieve. 

Eat 90 min to 2 hrs before class.  Make sure you have the energy and resources for your workout. 

Hydrate! Before, during and after class. 

Class Expectations-

No bullying 

No making fun of anyone

Be kind and encourage each other 

This is a safe and judge free zone.

Ultimately our goal is to provide a safe and fun class that makes everyone want to come back

week after week. I understand not everyone is able to attend class in person. I hope and

pray we all get there soon and can be face to face once again.

Until then enjoy those workouts from home or see you at the gym and keep moving!

Tamra Stephenson

Personal Trainer